Upcoming Events

Sun, Aug 4th, 2024
Birthday Sunday!
We celebrate everyone who has a birthday each month (usually on the 1st Sunday of the month) . Stay after service and enjoy a piece of birthday cake!
Sat, Aug 10th, 2024
Prayer Group Meets
Sat, Aug 10th, 2024
Sun, Aug 11th, 2024
Service in the Park
Service in the Park followed by our annual church picnic .
Sun, Aug 11th, 2024
Church Picnic with special guest
We are planning our annual church picnic for August 11th. We will have 10:30 service at the Chester Long Pavilion in Boardman Park and the picnic will follow. Meat will be provided. Please feel free to bring a dessert and/or covered dish.
This year THE MAGIC OF MICHAEL MAGE returns! Michael is a popular comedian/magician who has entertained children and adults for over 20 years!
Invite friends and family. Everyone is welcome!
Sun, Aug 11th, 2024
THE MAGIC OF MICHAEL MAGE www.michaelmage.com
Comedian/magician Michael Mage is back as this year's picnic entertainment!
Michael has been entertaining kids and adults for over 20 years. Please join us and invite your friends ,family, and neighbors compliments of New Hope Church.